
1,名字为 Twoday Tour Plan 的英语文章怎么翻译

Two-day Tour Plan 为期两天的旅游计划

名字为 Twoday Tour Plan 的英语文章怎么翻译

2,加拿大的vancouver的一次旅行 英语作文

您好:Last week I went to Vancouver in Canada with my parents.We went there by plane,I was very excited because it was my first time in an airplane.We arrived in Vancouver after 10 hours,the city is very beautiful and clean,and the weather is warm,we all like here very much.We went to many interesting places.We hiked through a forest,went to the Vancouver Aquarium,and also took a walk in Chinatown.I felt very tired and very happy of my trip.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步

加拿大的vancouver的一次旅行 英语作文


美国的没有云南动物园的倒是有I had an unforgettable experience. A year ago, we are one family to go to Yunnan. Where we visited the zoo. There are a lot of animal in the zoo, before I was just in the television to see them. A fierce tiger, cute, beautiful butterflies, and the long nose elephant etc.. There are a lot of tourists, in gives the animal photography. I most like a monkey in a, they in the rope swing, eat a banana is very interesting. I give them took many photos.
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