

旅游 :trip(短途的),tourism(游览观光),travel,tour(旅 行),voyage(倾向于航海航空的),journey(倾向于长时间的)
旅游英语tourism english旅游英语口语oral tourism english


2,到美国旅游 英语怎么说

when is she go to american to tour?
travel to America
就说 travel to Ameica即可。祝你进步
go to the States for pleasure

到美国旅游 英语怎么说

3,旅游 英语怎么说

虞其君旅游知识点讲解:travel 公差旅游或出国旅游 动名词:travellingtrip 短途旅行 journey 旅途
tourism english 学习旅游英语,速恩外教是个不错选择哦~
trip travel
tourism旅游 n. trip, journey, tour

旅游 英语怎么说


Good morning 早晨好! I don't know 我不知道Hello 你好! I can't speak English 我不懂英文Good evening 晚上好! Yes , Please 请Good bye 再见! Excuse me 劳驾See you later 再见! I am sorry 对不起Good night 晚安! Could you do me a favor? 能够帮我忙吗?Take care 保重! Please say it again 请再说一次How are you? 你好吗? Anyway 总之Fine. Thank you 谢谢你,我很好! Of course 当然Have a nice trip 祝你旅途平安! By the way 顺便提一下my name is ----- 我叫------- if 如果,假设May I have you name? 请问你贵姓? Besides 另外,况且Nice to see you 很高兴认识你。 Actually 实际上Thank you very much 谢谢! May I smoke here? 能在这里吸烟吗?Thank you for your help 谢谢你的帮助。 May I use this phone? 能够使用电话吗?You are welcome 不用谢。 May I sit here? 能够坐在这里吗?That's right 你说的对 May I ask something? 我想问点事情


Journey, Tour, Trip, Travel区别Journey(n.)---“旅行”,“旅程”。普通用语,指陆地上的远程旅行。Tour(n.)---“周游”。指途中在许多地方作短暂停留的观光游览。Trip(n.)---“旅行”。指来往有定的短距离旅行,强调在路上所花的时间和所走的路程。Travel(n.)---“旅行”。惯用复数形式。泛指旅行各地,表示旅行的路途远,时间长。例句:At first I was afraid the long journey would be too much for her. At first I was afraid the long journey would be too much for her. 起初我担心她不能行这样远的路。I wish you a good journey. I wish you a good journey. 祝你)一路平安。We went on a guided tour of Italy that included stops at Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome. Florence and Rome. 我们在导游的带领下游览了意大利, 包括米兰,威尼斯,佛罗伦萨和罗马。They are now making a bridal tour. They are now making a bridal tour. 他们正在新婚旅行。I go to work by train, and the trip takes 40 minutes. y train, and the trip takes 40 minutes. 我坐火车上班, 路上花40分钟。I can”t afford a trip to Europe. t afford a trip to Europe. 我负担不起去欧洲旅游的费用。This trip was cancelled because of the snowstorm. This trip was cancelled because of the snowstorm. 因为暴风雪, 旅行取消了。The travels of Marco Polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. ve ever read. 马可波罗的游记是我生平读过的最有意思的一本书。Is he back from his travels yet? Is he back from his travels yet? 他游历回来了吗?
1.journey可以指经常走过的或长或短的距离 2.travel(复数)指时间稍长的各处旅行,尤其指出国旅游,常常与所有格的形容词连用3.travel指行走、驾驶或者旅行的不可数名词travel broadens the mind旅行能够使人开阔眼界 4.tour是指为游玩而到几个地方观光的(长途或短途)旅行 5.trip指短期的旅程和观光6.on vacation ,旅游,度假

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