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旅游营销策划新思路以攀枝花市旅游营销策划为例 现代的旅游市场竞争已经到了白热化的程度,很多营销专家提出了各种营销和策划的新思路。但它们只适合于大众人群的旅游。小众高端人群的旅游市场却未被开发,并没有提出一份合适的旅游产品,所以想要开发小众旅游市场就必须提出一个新的旅游产品。正所谓大众的并不一定是适合的,不适合的也并不一定是所需的,所以只有找到适合自己的产品才是最好的。 旅游市场并非是一块铁板,让我们无从下手,其实看似成熟的市场,里面也有机会,所以我们旅游策划人关键就在于能否发现机会,开发市场。 四川省攀枝花市旅游营销策划 攀枝花市旅游营销策划是根据总体策划已经确定的思路、战略和主题进行。旅游营销策划的形象上以阳光花城为主要元素,全面挖掘阳光和花城两大概念在游客及受众中的延展及内涵,通过鲜花和水果两大具象的载体来体现,而在功能上则落到健康养生的层面,重点根据健康、养生市场的特征进行营销方案的制定,根据市场的消费习惯、心理特点、消费能力等完成此次旅游营销策划的细化的针对性旅游营销策划体系。 此外,攀枝花市旅游营销策划中的营销阶段性计划和不同时期的营销侧重点,也将根据总体旅游策划中已经确定的功能结构、产品体系等内容,确定不同区域、不同时间、以及不同产品的营销内容。



旅游营销指旅游产品或旅游服务的生产商在识别旅游者需求的基础上,通过确定其所能提供的目标市场并设计适当的旅游产品、服务和项目,以满足这些市场需求的过程。 旅游营销的整合传播与分众传播  旅游品牌整合营销仍然是旅游营销的主导形式  旅游品牌整合营销,是旅游营销的主导形式,主要以旅游形象的整合为核心,进行形象传播,以旅游吸引力的驱动结果,实现旅游产品的购买,达到旅游销售的目标。  绿维将旅游品牌整合营销传播系统(TBIMC)从实战的角度划分为品牌塑造、品牌包装、品牌传播、品牌管理四个步骤 。  旅游营销的分众模式正在成为旅游营销的有效支撑结构  分众模式,要求对旅游产品进行细分,以细分的产品,对应细分的市场需求,通过分众的渠道,选择分众媒介,进行分众传播,最后实现细分市场的有效营销。  品牌整合营销传播,是以品牌为载体,对大量的旅游信息进行压缩,形成凝聚,并以品牌整合所有的产品,形成统一形象结构的过程。  旅游营销的分众模式与分众化发展趋  1、旅游产品销售的机理――吸引力响应及体验过程预卖  2、细分市场的需求差异  (1)旅游市场的社会经济变量划分  (2)出游中的旅游市场划分  (3)休闲旅游的五大主力市场  3、吸引力打造与包装的分众化发展  4、吸引力传播的分众化  5、旅游产品销售渠道的分众化  Tourism Marketing means the tourism product or travel service providers in identifying the manufacturer on the basis of the needs of tourists, by identifying its target market and can provide the design of appropriate tourism products, services and projects to meet these market requirements process. Tourism Marketing integration of communication and dissemination of Focus  Tourism Brand Integrated Marketing is still the dominant form of tourism marketing  Tourism brand of integrated marketing, is the dominant form of tourism marketing, mainly the integration of tourism image as the core, to the image of the spread of the results of the tourism attraction of the drive to achieve tourism products to buy, to achieve the objective of tourism marketing.  Green Tourism Victoria will be the brand of integrated marketing communication systems (TBIMC) from the actual point of view is divided into brand building, branding, brand communication, brand management in four steps.  Tourism Marketing sub-Focus model is as a tourist marketing, effective support structure  Focus mode, requested a breakdown of the tourism products in order to breakdown products, the corresponding segments of the market demand, through a separate group of channels to choose Focus Media, Focus transmitted to the final realization of an effective marketing segments.  Brand Integrated Marketing Communication is based on the brand as the carrier, a large number of tourist information is compressed to form a pool, and to integrate all the brand products, to form a unified image of the structure, process.  Tourism Marketing Focus Mode and Focus of the development trend  1, the mechanism of tourism product marketing - appealing to respond to and experience the process of pre-selling  2, the needs of different market segments  (1) the socio-economic variables into the tourism market  (2) traveling in the tourism market segmentation  (3) the five main market leisure travel  3, attractiveness and packaging to create a sub-Focus Development  4, the spread of the audience appeal of  5, travel sales channels, audience fragmentation


文章TAG:国外  如何  研究  旅游  国外如何研究旅游营销  