

amusement park n. 露天游乐园 Kursaal [`kJEzB:l] n. (海滨浴场等的)游乐场 pleasure ground n. 游乐场 希望能帮得上你!~



amusement park
fairground;amusement park
happy place



disneylanddisney world
Disneyland,正式全名为Disneyland Park
Disneyland,正式全名为Disneyland Park
disneylanddisney world


4,求 游乐场的正确英文 表达

游乐场: 1. Kursaal2. pleasure ground3. carnie 其它相关解释: <amusement park> <fairground> <amusement arcade> 例句与用法: 1. 回旋轮在游乐场中乘坐的,一串沿着一椭圆形轨迹运动的快速、突转的小车 A ride in an amusement park, consisting of small cars that move in a rapid, whipping motion along an oval track. 2. 孩子们在露天游乐场玩得快活极了。 The children have a gorgeous time in the amusement park. 3. 我同意带孩子们去游乐场,但无论他们怎样试图说服我,我也拒绝乘坐游乐场惯性车道;不要逼人做他不愿意做的事。 I agreed to take the children to the fair, but I refused to ride on the big dipper no matter how much they tried to persuade me; after all, you can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
1. Funfair2. Amusement Park.两种都可以的.
pleasure groundn.游乐场carnie[`kb:ni]n.游乐场,游乐场管理员(游客)kursaal[`kjezb:l]n.(海滨浴场等的)游乐场


1.过山车Roller coaster 2.旋转木马merry-go-round 3.自由落体 freely falling bodies (自由落体运动的话是这样说motion of a free falling body) 4. 5. 摩天轮Ferris wheel 补充如下 a day in the country 郊区一日游 amusement park 游乐园 balloon 气球 carnival 狂欢节 club 俱乐部 discotheque 迪斯科舞厅 excursion boat 观览艇 figure skating 花样滑冰 float 彩车 giant stride 旋转飞椅 masked ball, fancy dress ball 化装舞会,假面舞会 nightclub 夜总会 roller coaster 环滑车 pirateship 海盗船 variety show, vaudeville 杂耍 wire-walking 走钢丝 astrojet(proper noun) 旋转飞机(专有名词) balancing pole 平衡杆 costume 服装 carnival parade 狂欢节队伍 confetti 五彩纸屑 excursion, outing 旅行, 远足 face mask 面罩 firework display, fireworks 焰火 ferris wheel 摩天轮 jumping cracker 跳爆竹 merry-go-round 旋转木马 revolving boat 碰碰船 paddle boat 脚踏明轮游艇 swinging boat 秋千船 rope walker 走绳索者 sandcastle 沙塔 我很辛苦很认真找的,选我把,O(∩_∩)O哈! 又找到一些 amusement park 游乐园 merry-go-round, roundabout 回转木马 (美作:carrousel) switchback, scenic railway, big dipper 过山车 (美作:roller coaster) ghost train 魔鬼列车 big wheel, Ferris wheel 弗累斯大转轮,大观览车 dodgems, bumper cars 碰碰车 slide, helter-skelter 突降滑道 stall, booth 摊位 fortune teller 算命者 rifle range, shooting gallery 气枪打靶 wheel of fortune 抓阄转轮 tombola 摸彩 Punch and Judy show, puppet show 木偶戏表演 greasy pole 爬竿取物 一定选我哦,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

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