
1,德国旅游游记怎么写 德国旅游行程单怎么计划


德国旅游游记怎么写 德国旅游行程单怎么计划


时间 日期 地点 任务 旅行地点 当我们去往一个地方进行旅游时,可能看到某一美景或者一天结束后有感而发。我们可以打开旅行日记将这一过程进行记录



按照自己的真实感受写出来就可以了;  主要是注意遣词用句方面一定要弄好,用一些比较优美的词句就可以搞定的啦,一般写个300到600字就可以了;



on summer holiday,i had a great trip。i enjoyed myself very much in this travel 。in the morning i climbed the mountain., the beautiful scenery attracted me.this was a chance to see the outside world,everything was so attractive to recognize eye。on this trip,i got a lot of exposure,learned something i never touched 。i looked forward to going to travel on the next summer vacation 。i wanted to share my experience with you and hoped you will feel glade as me。请采纳,谢谢
意大利之约 意大利的风景可真不是盖的!   意大利是位于欧洲南部的半岛国家,全称意大利共和国,国旗是纵向绿白红三色旗。它的总面积为30.1万平方公里,人口约5800万。首都罗马,人口约为220万。 意大利的前身为公元一世纪横跨欧亚非三大洲的庞大罗马帝国,拥有灿烂的文化,丰富的历史古迹。 意大利拥有永恒之城罗马,水都威尼斯,文艺复兴的摇篮佛罗伦萨,世界建筑的奇迹比萨斜塔,加上位于全世界最小的国家梵帝冈的世界最大的教堂圣彼得教堂。这一个个如雷贯耳的名字就值得我们好好看一看。   而我就拥有了这么有的机会…….   暑假的时候,我们前往欧洲去玩。父母最爱的就是威尼斯,他们觉得;只有懂浪漫的地方才是好地方。   我们坐上了威尼斯小船,两头尖尖的船上挂满了龙条,像有什么喜事似的。   威尼斯——水城,这也不是盖的。   四周都是水,没有一块实地,就算是有地,下面也是用木柱叠起来的。湖上有花纹精致的桥,船通过的时候,划船的人还需弯下腰通过呢!   我们还参观了玻璃制品的制作过程呢!   意大利的国土形状宛如一直长筒马靴,以至于意大利人自称为:“我们天生即使做皮鞋的。”的确,意大利是名副其实的皮具王国,除了皮鞋之外,优质皮衣,手袋,手套,钱包等都是全世界追逐潮流认识的至爱。   我喜爱意大利,因为它们那风景美,因为它们那儿人的心灵美,因……   意大利——美之国


I still remember the great time spent in the united states this summer. I went with my parents by air. The moment arrived New York, the excellent weather, the friendly people, and the fresh air offers a sense of refreshment. We effort to approach the peak of a certain mountain, went to a beach and played volleyball there. On the beach, we have hamburgers, beverage, and fruit salad. One of the most unforggettable experience was to take phones in the air when having a parasail. We really have a good time there.
i visited the great wall with my friends last sunday. it took us two hours to get there by bus. we started early in the morning at about half past six. it was hot and a bit windy that day. there were thousands of people on the wall. we climbed up the tower and walked on the wall for about two hours. we also took lots of photos. i bought a history of the wall and my friends bought some souvenirs. the great wall looks like a dragon and it is really a wonderful sight. it is one of the wonders of the world so we really felt proud. although we were tired, we felt happy and really had a good time.

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