
必杀技就是Pardon.只要说这个单词就可以走遍美国了。小夸张了点。问路前:Excuse me.下面几种就够用了。Could you please tell me where ...is? Excuse me,could you tellme the way to ...? Could you tell \Do you know me how to get to ...? Could you tell me which way is to ...? Is there any ... near here? Where is ...? Do you know where ...is ? Could you tell me where....is? Could you please show me the way to...? Could you tell me how to reach...? How can I get to ...? Do you have any idea where ... is? Would you be able to show me where... is? Would you mind to show me the direction of ...? Which way could I go to get to...? 答案补充 这个很好。英语问路总汇。你可以看下。 http://hi.baidu.doc/%CB%EF%BE%A2%CC%CE/blog/item/26f043287e403e0034fa422c.333l __________________________________________________________________________如果想知道其它的,可以到这天下游, http://url.cn/4BsB3m 如何行车,住宿的特价房,旅行线路,团购景点门票,都有去过朋友的介绍.祝你旅行愉快



Excuse me, can you tell how to get ...... May I please ask you how I can get .... Can you tell me how I can get to.... would you please tell me how to get to... Would you please let me know how I can get to.... Do you know how to go to...
1.Excuse me,Where is...?打扰了,请问...在哪? 2.Could you tell me the way to...?您能告诉我到...的路吗? 3.How could I get to the...?我怎样才能到...? ...处加地点。
Excuse me, Sir. Can you give me some information? Can you tell me where Peach Street is? Its two blocks straight ahead. Which direction is it to the theatre? Turn right at the next corner? How far is it to the university? Its a long way from here. The school is just around the corner. The restaurant is across the street from the hotel. You cant miss it. Do you happen to know Mr. Coopers telephone number? Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is? Should I go this way, or that way? Go that way for two blocks, then turn left.


文章TAG:国外  国外旅游  旅游  英语  国外旅游问路英语怎么说  