
中国秦朝的 秦始皇兵马俑. 美国的 自由女神 我就知道这两个 嗯哼?






翻译:Disney is famous scenic spot in the United States
Walt Disney is a famous scenery spot in USA。
disneyland is one of the most famous scenic spots in America.
Disney is United States attractions



帆船酒店亚特兰蒂斯酒店哈利法塔dubai mall这些是必去的地方然后dubai mall有非常好看的喷泉, 建议去看看
著名景点 地球群岛(世界群岛) 被称为世界第八大奇迹的迪拜地球群岛,又名世界群岛位于迪拜海岸线上,在迪拜闻名遐迩的珠美拉棕榈岛和德拉棕榈岛之间,总共由300个岛屿构成,勾勒出一幅世界地图的形状。缩小的法国、美国佛罗里达州、俄亥俄州都包括在内,还有以“上海”为名称的岛等等,甚至以冰雪覆盖的南极洲命名的岛也处在当地的炎炎烈日之下。届时来迪拜旅游时,如果乘直升机,则可以在高空以独特的方式俯瞰迪拜的海岸线、见证这奇迹。


let your imagination wander and take you to a place you daydream of. a place where dramatic mountain ranges sweep majestically down to clear blue lakes. a place where peaceful country lanes meander tthrough meadows brimming with wildflowers. a place where crystal clear rivers gently twist their way through undisturbed countryside. a place where sandy shores and sparkling seas stretch out to the horizon. a place that feels a million miles away from home. a place where the landscape is painted from a seasonal pallet of lush greens, vibrant blues, soothing yellows and burnt coppers and reds. a place to soothe your senses with the gentle babbling of a brook, the heady scent of honeysuckle in the clean, fresh air, the sensation of sand between your toes and the mouth-watering flavours of the local fare... ...that place is cumbria - the lake district a place to relax. a place to visit.

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