
Hainan Province has announced to constructitself an international tourism island.
Hainan announced construction international tourism island





3,英语 把下列句子改为一句话并翻译

Taht is the film which he saw。这就是我看过的那个电影。 These are the people whom I drove to London.这就是我开车送到伦敦的那些人。
1.That is the film.He saw it.(合并为一句话) Taht is the film which he saw. (定于从句)2.These are the people.I drove them to London. These are the people whom I drove to London.(定于从句)被修饰名词(先行词)的前面应当加定冠词。

英语 把下列句子改为一句话并翻译

4,中文翻译英文 急求

I want to maintain a good ecological environment, starting with ourselves, do not litter, do not Luantu betel nut water, civilized, polite, honest, no fraud, there is a sense of ownership of international tourism island, civilized service, warm acceptance to from around the world, guests in all directionsAs the guests need to help maintain the ecological beauty of Hainan, not to the beautiful sea, beach litter readily eat fruit scraps of paper, plastic bottles, plastic bags can not even throw, cleaning staff all need to work very effective to maintain, so that we can rest assured to enjoy the natural environment


1. 翻译:我们所拥有的,用于向他人表明他们更加重要的最常见的方法,是通过使得我们自己比他们更加渺小(的方法)。2. 分析:1)句子主干是:The most common way is by making ourselves smaller than they are.主句为主系表结构,主语the most common way,系动词is,表语是介宾短语by making ourselves smaller than they are.该表语中,动名词短语making ourselves smaller than they are做介词by的宾语。其中make是使役动词,ourselves为宾语,samller为宾语补足语,后面是一个比较状语从句than they are.2)we have of showing other people they are more important为定语从句,修饰句子主语the most common way.其中关系代词which/that,代替先行词the (most common) way,在该定语从句中充当谓语动词have的宾语,所以关系代词which/that可以省略。即:(which/that) we have of showing other people they are more important= we have (which/that) of showing other people they are more important= we have (the way) of showing other people they are more important其中含有固定搭配the way of doing sth = the way to do sth “做某事的方法”3. 而showing other people they are more important也是一个固定搭配show sb sth;sb即other people,sth即一个省略引导词that的宾语从句they are more important.

文章TAG:海南国际旅游岛先行试验区翻译  海南宣布建设国际旅游岛翻译成英文  