
Where are you going to travel?将来 Where did you travel to?过去
Where did you travel?



厦门是旅游的好地方英文:Xiamen is a good place for traveling厦门英文:Xiamen、Amoy、Hsiamen(旧称)
XIAmen is a good place/choice to tour/tour.XIAmen is a good tour spot.
england is a god place for living 有疑问请追问
Xiamen is the best place to travel.



welcome to trip to hai for another time
我想去海南旅游, I want to travel to Hainan.注:travel 英 [?tr?vl] 美 [?tr?v?l] n. 旅行; 进行; 移动; 漫游; vi. 旅行; 传送; 前进,行进; [篮球] 走步; vt. 经过,通过; 游历; [例句]You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow.[其他] 第三人称单数:travels 复数:travels 现在分词:travelling 过去式:travelled 过去分词:travelled
I want to travel to Hainan.



通俗的英语口语表达方式:Where shall we go?或者Where to go?表示征求、商量的语气。语意明确,言简意赅。而Where are you going?你们去哪里?这样的表达,是询问的语气。
Where are we going now ?
where are we going now ?
Where are we going now这是我认为最好的答案,望采纳
Where are we going?Where should we go now?机器翻译当然有局限性
正式:where are we going now?口语:where are we headed ? Going where? Where to go?希望能够帮到你。


你好, where did you go on holiday?
Where are you going to spend your holiday/vacation/journey/trip?Where will you go for your holiday.....?Where are you gonna go for your holiday?
Where are you going to spend your vocation?Where will you go for your holiday?
Where are you going for holiday this year?或Where are you going for vocation this year?楼上几位为什么没把“今年”译出来呢?
Where are you going for your holiday?
Where are you going for vocation?

文章TAG:现在  去哪  哪里  旅游  现在去哪里旅游最好呢英文翻译  