




travel alone
《图解一个人用英文去旅行》有什么区what is the area for a man to travel in english?
travel alonea trip of oneself


3,一个人旅行 翻译成英语

Travel alone这样翻译比较符合英语习惯,而不要从汉语强行翻译过去,那样就成了中式英语了。。。
I am a backpacker. (比较地道的说法...)
a lonely traverller 比较cool
Travel alone 一个人旅行Travel by oneself 某某人自己一个人旅行。

一个人旅行 翻译成英语


看你跟团不? 1跟团的话,“懂了中国话,闯世界都不怕”。 2不跟,你让你的朋友在美国的机场接你就好了。如果要转机那就有点问题了,但如果你长的不寒衬,帅的像小贝,女的像小甜甜,那末,相信会左右逢源的。 其实就算不懂,多问,多看,美国人也挺乐意帮你的,但你要最起码会说THANK YOU。否则人家帮你了,你连谢谢都不会说那就白长在礼仪之邦了。
没有英语基础 当然只能够靠翻译了 要是出去旅游的话 找个翻译也无所谓 他同时也是个导游的
可以 但是很累哦! 你要生活在唐人街的话 根本不需要英文 但是那里很乱的 在别的地方的话 会很累的 什么都要靠别人翻译 或者去哪里都有人陪着!


I like to travel alone, first of all, I think a relatively free play out, for example, I want to go where all firms, are my idea of a person. Secondly, a person can enjoy the release from the hearts of the depressed and alone to enjoy a happy journey. Finally, I can to reach more people and things and understand Renqingshigu. Although a sometimes feel lonely, or a bit unsafe, but I still prefer an out-tourism.
I like alone travelling, first, I thought that exits to play is quite free, where for instance do I want to go to be good, is my idea. Next, a person exits to be possible heartily to release felt relieved that constraining, alone enjoys the journey the joy. Finally, I may contact more people and the thing, the understanding versed in the art of dealing with people. sometimes although will feel lonely, perhaps a little unsafe, but I will compare like one exiting to travel.
he often travels alone. he often travels by himself.

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