


2,海南 报纸


海南 报纸


《南国都市报》,《海南特区报》是海口人爱看的报纸了。 其他的《海南日报》,《海口晚报》,《海南经济报》在海南也不错 中年男性就喜欢看《参考消息》,《羊城晚报》,《环球时报》。 其他各人的爱好不同所看的报纸就不同了。



胭脂雪 方炯镔/江淑娜(今日最新最好听中国风对唱情歌) 深爱老朋友 方炯镔(今日最新) 桃花源 陈仁丰(今日最新) 挥不去你 陈仁丰(今日最新) 情愿 张志林(今日最新) 爱情厨男 张志林(今日最新) 目光 魏如钧 不想睡 游喧 深深爱过你 薛之谦 木槿花 袁泉 Save Me 卓文萱/张震岳 为了明天 super junior-T 爱情日报 陈仁丰 卓文萱 爱的城堡 一个人勇敢 杨丞琳 冷战 在你怀里的微笑 远在身边、分手 何慕男 自从遇见你 棉花糖 至上励合 下一站永远 至上励合(强烈推荐) 海口 后弦 出发 何慕男 花树下的约定 许仁杰 属于 梁静茹 最美的插曲 自由幻想 陈楚生 加油!你有ME!阿兰 魏晨 如果你是天空 袁成杰 戚薇 学会勇敢 邵雨涵
wonderful world smile -----Lily allen year 3000 never had a dream come true mocking bird i lay my love on you gotta let you go free loop remember the name because of you losing you what i go to school for britney guarded
香烟爱上火柴,陪你一起老,最爱的人最先放手,没有你的日子我真的很孤单,庆幸有你爱我, 风雨里一个人走, 红豆 (江凯文), 上了你的船, 如果你是我眼中的一滴泪,满天雨水都是我的泪,女人如烟,随风缘,不会分离, 牵手续缘, 情同手足,我不配,最心疼的人只有你,幸福恋人,爱能穿越几千年,小太阳,放手去爱, 我为你唱首歌, 风雨同路, 最心疼的人只有你,当爱不在身边,我的另一半,青衣,我是真的爱你, 月弯弯,北京欢迎你,我和你。 这些都是我喜欢的歌, 推荐给你吧,你可能也会喜欢的。
http://www.1ting.com/ ,中国最大的在线音乐


Father is reading the Haikou Daily. the son is doing his homework. mother is washing the dishes in the kitchen and grandparents are watching TV,They all enjoy the whole family life.采纳哦
晕死了,你们是不是自动翻译的啊 dad is reading the kaikou daily newspaper. son is writting his homework. mom is in the ketchen do the washing.
father is reading the Haikou Dairy, the son is doing his homework , mother is washing in the kitchen and grangparents are watching Tv . they are all enjoying in the whole family life.
Father is reading the Haikou Daily,the son is doing his homework,mother is washing in the kitchen and, grandparents are watching TV.They are all enjoying in the whole family life.
Father is reading haikou newspaper.the son is doing his homework.Mother is doing the dishes in the kitchen.grandparents are watching tv.All the families are enjor themself

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