
I will go to the Hai nan island next the vacation.First,i want to go to the beach to enjoy the sighs.And,i will eat some delicious seafood.Next,i will take some photos to remember the unforgettable travel


2,英语作文要去三亚1三亚位于中国南部海南省 2 天气暖和平均气

And so it happened that an hour or so later I found myself in the corner of a first-class carriage flying along en route for Exeter, while Sherlock Holmes, with his sharp, eager face framed in his ear-flapped travelling-cap, dipped rapidly into the bundle of fresh papers which he had procured at Paddington. We had left Reading far behind us before he thrust the last one of them under the seat, and offered me his cigar-case. "We are going well," said he, looking out the window and glancing at his watch. "Our rate at present is fifty-three and a half miles an hour." "I have not observed the quarter-mile posts,"

英语作文要去三亚1三亚位于中国南部海南省 2 天气暖和平均气


I am going to take advantage of my holiday to have a tour around the town.I have two hundred yuan in my hand.Here below is my plan for the travel.I plan to go there by train and (go)back by bus,this will cost me fifty yuan.Besides ,I will stay there for about three days,in other words,I need to live in the hotel for two nights.This will cost me forty yuan.Also I need to pay about forty-five yuan for my own meal. After knocking out all these fees,I still have about seventy yuan left.I am going to buy some presents for my parents. Well, that is my travel plan.



Thank you very much for your letter. In your letter, you said you would spend a few days to travel in China and asked me to plan a route for me. This is the plan that I suggest for you: You will start your trip from Beijing and your destination will be Hainan, the southern part of China. The duration of this trip will be five days and four nights and will cost around 8000 yuan. On the first day, you will fly to Sanya & spend the night in sanya hotel. On the second & third day, you will go to dadomghai beach & yalongwan and relax on the beach and swim in the sea. On the fourth day, you will travel by bus to haikou and you can go shopping there and buy some souvenirs. On the fifth day, you will return to Beijing.


乐意为你推荐天涯海角: 无论是春夏秋冬晴天雨天,到了三亚你不能不去天涯海角。去天涯海角,并不是让你体验那条让你走得疲惫不堪的“天涯之路”,仅仅是为了这个从小就挂在心上的名字,那个早已被理想化了的遥不可及的地方,其实不过是三亚众多海滩上普普通通的几块石头,自古以来海南岛及三亚就是众多官人和文人被贬谪流放经受磨难的地方,有两句诗可以表现当时的景况:“一去一万里,千之千不还,崖州知何处,生度鬼门关”,“飞鸟尚需半年程”。于是在天涯海角,他们留下了许多凄惨故事和石刻。如今这里变成了人们寄情思古的胜地,2001年又被国家旅游局评定为首批aaaa级旅游景区。天涯海角景区包括大门内分居两侧的天涯购物寨和民族风情园.历史名人雕塑园,这三个地方可以不用耗费时间,进门直走到大门内正对海边的八角广场,广场海面上的日月石风景不错,值得摄影.沿着海边一路走去,两公里外就是南天一柱,高约7米,是清宣统年间崖州知州范去梯的笔墨;旁边一块卧石刻着"海判南天",是清康熙年间钦差大臣苗曹汤的笔迹.继续走500米就到了刻有"天涯"的巨石下,铭刻"天涯"二字的是清雍正年间的崖州知州程哲,他老人有在地下哪里知道当年随手在石头上镌刻的感慨如今竟成为举国上下朝思暮想的地方."天涯"二字下端是民国初年不知哪个官人题留下的"海阔天空"四个大字.转过"天涯"巨石."海角"二字刻在一座高耸的石峰上,据说是清末某个文人所题. 天涯海角的传说: 传说遥远的大陆有一对男女,从小青梅竹马,可是长大后双方的家庭却不允许他们结合,于是二人双双逃到海南岛三亚.前面是茫茫大海,身后是追至而来的众家丁,两人无路可逃.为了"在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝",两人拥抱着奔向大海.此刻,电闪雷鸣,风雨大作,一声"轰"响,所有的人都被劈成了石块.据说,依偎立于海边刻有"天涯"和"海角"的两块巨石就是当年的这对恋人,那些包围着他们的小石块就是众空丁.这段故事虽然似曾听过,但是情侣们还是会动情的. 交通: 从三亚市汽车客运西站乘三亚至天涯、南山、崖城、港门、黄流等地的普通中巴(一般车前贴着纸牌上书“天涯”),走海榆西线公路,票价3元/人,行程24公里,行驶30分钟即可到达天涯海角景区正门。路过天涯海角返回三亚市的长途中巴大约在晚上19:00以后就可能没有了,当天如果客人稀少,始发点会提前收车,最好在18:00之前坐上回城的车。 住宿: 天涯海角景区及附近没有住宿设施,必须回到三亚湾或市区入住。 餐饮: 景区内有餐馆,炒菜为主,最好自带方便中餐,晚餐可回市内吃,市区内的海鲜价格比较公道,而且无回程交通之忧。

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